I have been kicking around this idea since my Freshmen year here at The University of Michigan. Prior to kickoff we currently twirl our hats in the air and yell "ooooooo" until the ball is kicked. I have always thought it would be a cool chant, and an easy one at that, to yell "BLUE!!" when the ball is kicked off. It would be one large "Gooooooooo BLUE!!" Now I know how resistant to change and especially to new chants the Michigan Stadium crowd can be, but this one is so simple and would produce a great cheer for our team, that I am faithful that even UM fans can pull this one off.
There have been changes in the student section chants before, in my Freshmen year after a 3rd down stop we would do the toma-hawk chop while the band played "Temptation." However for my Sophomore season this was changed to "The Claw." So we have tweaked our chants before. I also want to point out that this is something the entire stadium can do (just wanted to clarify that because contrary to popular belief the rest of the stadium can join the student section in cheering for the Maize and Blue).
So what do you say Michigan Stadium? Let's hear it at every single kickoff!!
Sorry, to burst your bubble, but Notre Dame already does that (Go Irish) on kickoffs and I'm pretty sure we really don't want to imitiate ND (well, at least I know I don't).
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I personally don't mind it as it is, though a change wouldn't hurt either. Who cares if the Irish do it already? Then again, if we did it like the Irish would we also have to lose against every decent team we play while racking up wins against creme puff opponents and have no defense whatsoever? Just curious.
I like the change, but I understand if it doesn't take because of the Notre Dame parallels. We should, however, be careful not to capitalize the "T" in the University of Michigan. We are not Ohio State. Thank goodness.
Other teams do this as well. Georgia does a variation of this, heck even the NY JETS do it.
I will say this much-- even if Notre Dame does something similar already, I'd take anything right now to get the UM crowd to make themselves known in the Big (Quiet) House
The band already does this... I assumed everyone in the student section did as well. So, there's at least a few hundred people who beat you to the punch. I still think it's pretty cool, and an easy change.
Heh. I thought the cheer was "Gooooo Blue!" on the kickoffs. The current (even up to today) 3rd down stop is "Temptation," with the claw done after a first down (or maybe only following a gain of x yards - the band plays, and I do).
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